Friday, 27 February 2009

Managing complex data-driven marketing projects

Part of the reason for setting up my business Neon Nelly, is to promote the use and understanding of integrated cross-media direct marketing campaigns. They work better for clients, they make more sense to customers.

They are not difficult to manage, but they are different. So I've just published a template on the web to help manage data-driven direct marketing campaigns. There's a pdf version for download too. Happy to hear comments and suggestions for improvement, and very happy for you to pass on the details to others.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Rapid development

You probably know I'm on a mission to make a step-change in return on investment for direct marketers. Combining the power of data and design, and working in a new way to deliver fast, effective campaigns that just work.

The current issue of the journal from the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM) includes a review of some of the techniques and tools I am using to support our service delivery (and if you're not a member, then the journal alone should persuade you to join).

So I thought, perhaps, my timing was about right for the launch of this new service.

Then I looked up a company called Blue North in Canada. There's a salient, passionately argued piece there on personalisation from one of their founders about the importance of these developments, and the different operational model it demands. It's dated 2003.

I think I'd better get a move on.

photo: chadh

Monday, 9 February 2009

Director as leader

Fascinating to watch the director Danny Boyle on television coverage of the BAFTAs last night. He was gloriously happy when his colleagues won awards. He was anxious and eager for them to speak well and say the right thing in their acceptance speeches. There was not a single moment where you could see him thinking about himself or about his own chances of an award. Then listen to the humility and humanity of his own accpetance speech.

One of his colleagues, the production designer I think, said of him that 'he pushes me forward, and he trusts'.

Sounds like a great leader.

photo: marioladeira

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Social Networking: The New CRM

Oh. It's happening again. Last time it was CRM, which started out as a really powerful idea and approach to marketing, and finished as an almost meaningless acronym that signified nothing more than an attempt at intelligent marketing. As if there were any other kind ...

Now - already - it seems to be Social Networking. Lots of excitement and discussion, yet already it's being diluted and diverted. For a great explanation of Social Networking, and how it works, see Chris Brogan's blog today. Meanwhile on the BBC television news today, they talk about receiving thousands of pictures (of bad weather in South East England) from their audience as a 'fine example of social networking'. Full marks for picking up on a hot topic. Not very many marks at all, in my view, for actually understanding it.

photo: artnow314

Monday, 2 February 2009

Lines of communication

I asked my MP a question, and he has replied. He didn't answer the question, but he did reply, which is pretty much what I expected.

So I now have an envelope from the House of Commons and some headed paper, and his own signature in ink. Which is nice.

Except I didn't write him a letter. I left a message on his website, which included my email address. So I rather thought I might get an email back. Instead of which he's wasted someone's time composing, printing and posting a letter, never mind the cost of postage. Which is ironic, given that his reply was about getting the best value for government money.

Listening to customers means more than listening to what they say,
it also means listening to how they say it.

photo: skype nomad