Tuesday 15 April 2008

Open mail

A large mailing pack arrived this morning from the RSPCA, and it’s asking for money. I'm not a member, I've never given them anything, and it’s not even addressed to me. So it has all the hallmarks of ‘junk mail’. Except …

On the back, in reassuringly large type, it has the following message:

"This letter has cost just 11p to print and send to you: not everyone
will respond to it, but it is one of the best ways we have of finding new animal-lovers to help us. Don’t throw this away – please support the RSPCA."

Please would every copywriter in the English language note the brilliant simplicity and importance of this message. Please would every client contemplating the use of unaddressed mail, take note, and incorporate similar concept in their own marketing.

Maybe there is hope after all for the idea of environmentally sustainable direct mail.

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