Tuesday 9 September 2008

McCain Decisions

There's been a lot of talk in the UK about the Republican choice for Vice President in this year's US elections (see here for one of the more interesting commentaries, especially about Ms Palin's media training). Whilst there has been much debate about the maverick McCain (and 'maverick' is one of those words that's supposed to be neutral but is almost always taken to be a negative), there's one thing I've not seen mentioned.

McCain appears to have made a choice based on limited information, instinct, and the need to move things forward. And guess what, for much of the time in office, a leader operates in a complex and changing environment, with incomplete information. Instinct, experience, luck, call it what you will, but they cannot just sit there waiting for perfect data in a perfect world.

Mr McCain, I admire you for taking a lead, and a risk. I think that shows you qualify for the big job.

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