Tuesday 3 February 2009

Social Networking: The New CRM

Oh. It's happening again. Last time it was CRM, which started out as a really powerful idea and approach to marketing, and finished as an almost meaningless acronym that signified nothing more than an attempt at intelligent marketing. As if there were any other kind ...

Now - already - it seems to be Social Networking. Lots of excitement and discussion, yet already it's being diluted and diverted. For a great explanation of Social Networking, and how it works, see Chris Brogan's blog today. Meanwhile on the BBC television news today, they talk about receiving thousands of pictures (of bad weather in South East England) from their audience as a 'fine example of social networking'. Full marks for picking up on a hot topic. Not very many marks at all, in my view, for actually understanding it.

photo: artnow314

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